Color Picker / Posts /

How to use the support for Ajax

how to use your support for ajax?the MC.ColorPicker.reload()?it give me an error when put in the ajax load,  $("#chooseColorPalette").load(folderpath 'index/layers/' id,MC.ColorPicker.reload());
Anj  9 years ago   viewed: 8749    

4 Answers


I think you need to:

$("#chooseColorPalette").load(folderpath+'index/layers/'+id, function(){ MC.ColorPicker.reload(); } );

Natalia   9 years ago
i've tried it, but it give me this error:"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'reload' of undefined "....what should i do", im new to jquery and will help me alot if it could be solved..
Anj   9 years ago
It might be that MC.ColorPicker has not been populated yet? I am not quite sure.
Note: MC.ColorPicker.reload() is only supported by mcColorPicker.js. 
         MC.CustomColorPicker does not support the reload function.
Natalia   9 years ago
im using the that's why it did not there any way to make it work?any suggestion?because it will help me a lot, and may be it will help others also..i
Anj   9 years ago


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