Ninja Slider / Posts /

Add thumbnails to the slider using the slider built in function

Hi, is there an option with this responsive slider to include thumbnails? Or can I use the slider's built-in functions to add the thumbnails?
John  10 years ago   viewed: 10242    

1 Answer

Currently the Ninja Slider does not have the thumbnails option. This support is scheduled to be implemented in the future.

You can now easily add the thumbnails by utilizing the slider's built-in functionality. For example:
<img src="/thumbs/img1.jpg" onclick="nslider.slide(0)" /> <img src="/thumbs/img2.jpg" onclick="nslider.slide(1)" />

Below is a list of the slider's built-in functions:
  • slide(index): force the slider to navigate to the slide of the index. The index is 0-based.
  • prev(): navigate to prev slide
  • next(): navigate to next slide
  • toggle(): toggle the pause/play of the slider (only available in the package that you download after Feb 17, 2014)
  • getPos(): return the current slide index
  • getSlides(): return the collection of slide elements (LIs)
  • getBullets(): return the pager elements
  • reload(): will re-populate the slider
Milo   10 years ago


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