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Scrolling the sub menus

Do you have any suggestions for scrolling with in a sub category? These crazy people want to put a few dozen topics into one sub section. This makes the menu go off the page. 
Just wondering if there is a  quick fix.
Seth  11 years ago   viewed: 15531    

5 Answers

<li id="li22"><a href="#"> Second level category</a> //This add open all menu item help please <ul> <li> <div class="level3scroll" style="height:100px;overflow:auto;"> <a href="#">Hi</a><br/><a href="#">there</a><br/> <a href="#">this</a><br/><a href="#">is</a><br/> <a href="#">jst</a><br/><a href="#">dm</a><br/> <a href="#">offf</a><br/><a href="#">pkcc</a><br/> <a href="#">lppt</a><br/><a href="#">nnn</a><br/> <a href="#">vvv</a><br/><a href="#">sss</a> </div> </li> </ul> </li>.
Erol   10 years ago
Yes if you read the documentation carefully you will know that the submenu items are all opened intentionally if their caption is a link. Otherwise the submenu will not be accessible (clicking the link will navigate away to other pages).
Milo   10 years ago
Set the expand property to be "full" in the menu's script accordionmenu.js.
milo   11 years ago
Interesting is there a way to have it only scroll on third level menus?
I know that's a stretch....
Seth   11 years ago
Re-write your third level menu in the following way. And defining its overflow as auto will do the trick.
<li id="li22">Second level category <ul> <li> <div class="level3scroll" style="height:100px;overflow:auto;"> <a href="#">Hi</a><br/><a href="#">there</a><br/> <a href="#">this</a><br/><a href="#">is</a><br/> <a href="#">jst</a><br/><a href="#">dm</a><br/> <a href="#">offf</a><br/><a href="#">pkcc</a><br/> <a href="#">lppt</a><br/><a href="#">nnn</a><br/> <a href="#">vvv</a><br/><a href="#">sss</a> </div> </li> </ul> </li>
.level3scroll a {color:green;}
milo   11 years ago


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