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How to hide the caption when I play the video in the slider?

When I play the video in the slider, the caption is also visible...  Is there a way on how to not display it on the slider when video is being played..  Thanks

Jay  11 years ago   viewed: 14088    

8 Answers


Please ignore all the answers in other posts.

Today the mcVideoPlugin.js was updated, and the PLAY-and-HIDE becomes a built-in feature. You can enable the feature simply by configuring the options. In the new mcVideoPlugin.js, you will find the options at the top of the mcVideoPlugin.js file:

var McvOptions = { showCaptionWhenPlay: false, showCaptionWhenPause: true };

You can set their values to either true or false.

Milo   10 years ago
Hello.. can someone from the admin help me with this problem please?,.  I appreciate any idea.. thanks
Jay   11 years ago
In that case, you can try adding the following script to your page:
The following example is for the 3rd slide's caption. If you think the caption is gone too soon, change the hideCaption(); with: setTimeout(hideCaption, 3000);

        function hideCaption() {
            var divs = document.getElementById("slider").getElementsByTagName("div");
            for(var d=0; d<divs.length; d++) {
                 if(divs[d].className=="mc-caption-bg" || divs[d].className=="mc-caption-bg2")
             divs[d].style.visibility = "hidden";

        function afterSlideChange(args) {
            //args: [0]-currentSlide index, [1]-currentImage
            if(args[0]==2) { //say if you want to hide the 3rd slide's caption

 Jay, please post if it works. I didn't test it.

Milo   11 years ago
Thanks Milo.. I'll try this right now and will let you know right away if it works..  :)
Jay   11 years ago
Yes!!,. the codes worked Milo..... Many thanks to you.. :)
Jay   11 years ago
This doesn't work anymore, or maybe it never worked. The caption goes away anytime the slide is changed. not specifically when the video is played. So if the slide changes from the 1st to the 2nd, the caption for the 2nd slide appears then instantly goes away
Mohammad   10 years ago
I should mention I'd like a working answer please :). pretty please
Mohammad   10 years ago
Did you follow my instructions marked as "answer"? 
1. If you followed the steps and it doesn't work, would you stage a testing page online?
2. The afterSlideChange function in only available for licensed slider;
Milo   10 years ago


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