Javascript Image Slider / Posts /

How to stop loop?

How do I stop it from looping after last frame is reached??

Steve  12 years ago   viewed: 23044    

11 Answers

You can implement this by using the slider's built-in functions and event handlers that are listed in Demo 4 Image Slider with Navigation Buttons.

Suppose you have 5 slides in total. Your last frame will be index=4. Add the following event handler to your page inside the script tag: <script> ... </script>
function beforeSlideChange(args) { //args[0]-next slide index, args[1]-next image, //args[2]-next caption, args[3]-next effect if(args[0]==4) imageSlider.changeOptions({ autoAdvance: false }); }
  1. The beforeSlideChange or afterSlideChange event handler is only available for licensed slider.
  2. You can also use afterSlideChange handler. But you need to use index 3 instead.
    function afterSlideChange(args) { //args[0]-currentSlide index, args[1]-currentImage if(args[0]==3) imageSlider.changeOptions({ autoAdvance: false }); }
milo   12 years ago
can�t make it works... sorry but my skills on javascript ar "-10"! jejejeeee
I have 2 images and want the slide stops, after displaying the second image...
I tried by a copy/paste of the sample:

function beforeSlideChange(args) {
    //args[0]-next slide index, args[1]-next image,
    //args[2]-next caption, args[3]-next effect
    if(args[0]==4) imageSlider.changeOptions({ autoAdvance: false });

inside the <script> tag of my html:

<script src="js-image-slider.js" type="text/javascript">
function beforeSlideChange(args) {
    //args[0]-next slide index, args[1]-next image,
    //args[2]-next caption, args[3]-next effect
    if(args[0]==4) imageSlider.changeOptions({ autoAdvance: false });

just changing the "4" of the sample, by "1" (according to the answer given) 
but the slide still display the slides in a loop!  =(
pleaseeee... can you help me??
thanks in advance!!

  10 years ago
Please stage a simple demo online so that I can see where is wrong with your setting.
Milo   10 years ago

what if there is a multiple slider on one page how can we define a event then ?

Muhammad Faisal   5 years ago
I have no way to publish it right now...
anyway, I would really appreciate if you can tell me if that THE IDEA (as I'm handling this) is right or wrong...
Right now, my html looks EXACTLY like this:

  inside the HEAD
          <script src="js-image-slider.js" type="text/javascript">
          function beforeSlideChange(args) {
              //args[0]-next slide index, args[1]-next image,
              //args[2]-next caption, args[3]-next effect
              if(args[0]==1) imageSlider.changeOptions({ autoAdvance: false });

  inside the BODY:
          <div id="sliderFrame">
               <div id="slider">
                      <img src="img/image01.jpg " />
                      <img src="img/image02.jpg" />

... and by this, the slider still loops from the last image... to de first!  =(
  10 years ago
I am not sure without seeing all of your source code. You can see if afterSlideChange will work, or add one more slide, or check if the javascript version is the latest.....
Milo   10 years ago
got it!! sorry... but Im feeling so idiot! jajajajajaaa
I was adding the script changes to my html, instead of to edit the js!
I finally figure it out and by adding those lines to the js file, I could get it working EXACTLY as I want!
thank you for your support, anyway!  =)
  10 years ago

Hi, sppedbit, can you share your script, where did you add those lines in JS file

  8 years ago

How can I do to make the play button appear again when the slider stop?

Alessandra F   6 years ago

Hi,Roshan, here is where you have to put your lines:

var sliderOptions=
    sliderId: "slider",
    startSlide: 0,
    effect: "13",
    effectRandom: false,
    pauseTime: 2000,
    transitionTime: 3000,
    slices: 14,
    boxes: 11,
    hoverPause: 2,
    autoAdvance: false,
    thumbnailsWrapperId: null,
    m: true,
    license: "mylicense"

function afterSlideChange(args) {
//args[0]-currentSlide index,
if(args[0]==3) imageSlider.changeOptions({ autoAdvance: false }); }

var imageSlider=new mcImgSlider(sliderOptions);

/* Menucool Javascript Image Slider v2016.9.27. Copyright */
function mcImgSlider(i){for(var I=function...

P.s.=(args[0]==3) in case you have 4 images

Alessandra F   6 years ago

Without reviewing the entirety of your source code, I cannot say. You can test afterSlideChange's functionality, add a new slide, verify that you're using the most recent version of JavaScript, etc. 

  one year ago


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