Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Put long tooltip parameters into function to minimize space

Is that possible to convert from this:

<a href="#" onclick="tooltip.pop(this, 'Some text', {sticky:false,position:2,cssClass:&quot;advtip&quot;,hideDelay:1000,maxWidth:320});">foo</a>

into this:

<a href="#" onclick="tip(this,'mypop');">foo</a>

Here is my JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">

     function tip(input,section) {
         if (section == "mypop") {input.value = "tooltip.pop(this, 'Some text', {sticky:false,position:2,cssClass:&quot;advtip&quot;,hideDelay:1000,maxWidth:320});";}   


But it's not working
Kostya  8 years ago   viewed: 4347    

2 Answers


It should be:

function tip(input,section) { if (section == "mypop") { tooltip.pop(input, 'Some text', {sticky:false,position:2, cssClass:"advtip", hideDelay:1000, maxWidth:320}); } }
Milo   8 years ago
Thank you, you helped me a lot

Kostya   8 years ago


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