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Where should I upload the JS CSS and images files to the server

I am a novice in web design. Would you give me some hints on what location the JavaScript, CSS and HTML pages should be uploaded to on the web server?
Harrison  10 years ago   viewed: 45468    

5 Answers


It doesn't matter where you upload your js, css, html and images. It matters whether your links or file paths in your page(eg. HTML file) and CSS code are correct.

There are two ways to specify the paths. One is absolute, such as "/level1/level2/level3/myjs.js"

The other is relative, such as "level3/myjs.js"(assuming your page is located in level2).

If you are using relative path, you need to pay attention to the images specified in your CSS file. The relative image path in your CSS file should be relative to your CSS file location instead of your page location.  

Natalia   10 years ago

Thanks for your guidance.  

  7 months ago

I appreciate this guideline. Thanks

  6 months ago

Your guide helps me so much. #geometry dash lite

  one month ago

This rule of thumb is quite helpful. I am grateful. doodle jump

Hector Acosta
  15 days ago


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