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How could I mimic marvel comic book style font with CSS?

I am trying to do a pure CSS logo on a marvel themed slots games site for the logo - you think it's possible to come up with the code that doesn't involve images?
marvelslots  10 years ago   viewed: 41256    

3 Answers


Thank you for being so helpful, Sir! 

  5 months ago

Thanks for your guidance. flappy bird

  6 days ago
Have you looked into CSS3 custom fonts? Essentially, find a font file you like, download it, and in your css file, have the following rules:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'your_comic_font';
    src: url('comic_font.woff');

.your_logo_div {
    font-family: your_comic_font;
    font-size: 40px;

You can learn more about font-face in this thread:
Milo   10 years ago


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