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ddmenu update log


Release v2014.1.15

To make the ddmenu work in all major browsers and touch devices, this release contains a massive change to the ddmenu script.

  • Fixed an IE 8 bug in v2014.1.14;
  • Tested on desktop, iPad, iPhone, Android, Tablet, Windows Surface, touch-enabled laptops(both touch and mouse input are available), and all major browsers shuch as Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Safari and IE 6 - IE 11.

Release v2014.2.1

Updated both the ddmenu.css and ddmenu.js to support the responsive navigation and mobile-friendly feature.

  • ddmenu.css:
    • Moved the font-size:0; from the #ddmenu selector to the #ddmenu ul selector;
    • Before this release:
      #ddmenu div { padding:0; margin:0; display:none;}

      In this release:
      #ddmenu li > div { padding:0; margin:0; display:none;}
    • Added styles for responsive navigation and mobile navigation that can be downloaded from page:
      How to Create Mobile-friendly Responsive Menu
  • ddmenu.js: All changes are encapsulated in the script.

Release v2014.2.4

Fixed a bug in ddmenu.js introduced in v2014.2.1 that will cause the dropdown sub-menu will not collapse in IE 8.

Release v2014.5.20

Enable adding the style: #ddmenu ul {... visibility: hidden;} to improve the visual experience.

Release v2014.9.16

Fixed the legacy IE issues that may happen when media query is set to a big width and old IEs are also in mobileIcon mode.

Release v2014.11.24

Completely stripped down and rewritten. Just list a few of the improvements:

  • In the new release, the menu supports the accessibility: you can navigate dropdown menu with tab or arrow keys.
  • It has an easy solution if user want the submenu to be 100% the same width as the main menu (just need to mark the <li> with class="full-width": <li class="full-width">....</li>).
  • One user has suggested that: a longer open/close delay makes sense to prevent accidental openings/closings, but not really when moving between top level menu item. In the release we have tackled the issue.
  • It also improved the user experience on mobiles. For example, if you open the menu and then swipe the area outside the menu so that you can scroll the page, the sub-menu dropdown will not be closed (in previous versions the sub-menu will be closed mistakenly).

Release v2015.5.26

Fixed the bug that any input textbox element placed inside the ddmenu NAV does accept the following keyboard valued: 1 e y o z . /

Release v2015.8.3

Fixed the bug that the drop down menu is not working with touch devices and IE Edge browser.

Release v2015.8.19

Improvements based on Marc's requests (Thanks Marc): www.menucool.com/8356/Mobile-menu-LI-entries-jump-to-top-of-page-when-clicked and www.menucool.com/8342/Different-fade-speed-when-moving-between-menus

Release v2015.9.4

Updated the options in ddmenu.js:

  • Added keysNav option to allow users to disable the accessibility feature: nav by TAB or arrows keys.
  • Changed the speed option from seconds to milliseconds.

Release v2015.10.26

Fixed the issue that Firefox FireFox (as of 41.0.2) will throw the "SecurityError: The operation is insecure." error whe adding css rules to document.styleSheets[0].

Release v2016.3.3

  • Added sliding animation effect for dropdown when in mobile mode.
  • Changed column element from <div class="column">...</div> to <ul class="column">...</ul>. Stylesheet was updated accordingly.

Release v2017.3.17

Added SingleOpen option to give user an option to enable singleOpen for vertically aligned menu in mobile devices.

Milo  10 years ago   viewed: 15674    


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