Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

Long tooltip content


My application shows a list of product names.  When I mouse over a product, tooltip is used to ajax-call the product master program which shows the detail information of the product.  The information is so lengthy that a full screen height tooltip box cannot completely displays the content.  I want to scroll up and down to see all the information.  How to solve this? 

Wilson  11 years ago   viewed: 3929    

4 Answers


Did you try:

#mcTooltip {overflow:auto;}
Milo   11 years ago

Hi Milo, I am a bit lost, where in tootip to put your code?

My code is:

<b onmouseover="tooltip.ajax(this,'Product_Master.asp?p_key=A123&')">Product 1</b>


But anyway the problem is solved by adding the "position" attribute.

<b onmouseover="tooltip.ajax(this,'Product_Master.asp?p_key=A123&',null,{position:0})">Product 1</b>

However, one strange thing to note is that if "position" is set to 0,1or 3, the browser automatically enables a scroll bar that allows me to move up and down to check the lengthy tooltip content.  But if "position" is set to 2 (bottom) or omitting the position attribute, no scroll bar is enabled in the browser.  The tooltip box extends to the full screen height and the contents inside cannot be displayed completey.

  11 years ago
It is the CSS stuff. Update your tooltip.css with that setting. 

I am not sure if it works. Let me know if it doesn't work. Thanks.
Milo   11 years ago

Hello rainbow friends, I think you should set a fixed height for the tooltip container, which will determine the maximum height that can be displayed within the tooltip box. For example, you can set the max-height property in CSS to a specific value, such as 300px.

  one year ago


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