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How to make the Tab Menu validate in HTML5 as the rel values view1 etc are not valid values in HTML5

I have the following code:

<ul class="tabs">
           <li><a href="#" rel="view1">Specifications</a></li>
           <li><a href="#" rel="view2">Filtration</a></li>
           <li><a href="#" rel="view3">Information suppl&#233;mentaires</a></li>
       <div class="tabcontents">
           <div id="view1" class="tabcontent">
George  11 years ago   viewed: 10569    

2 Answers

In your HTML, replace rel with data-rel. For example: <a href="#" data-rel="view1">Specifications</a> 

And then open the tabcontent.js file with Notepad, and search/replace all "rel" with "data-rel".
milo   11 years ago
Many thanks for quick response - validates now as HTML5 :))
George   11 years ago


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