Tabbed Content / Posts /

Tabbed Content: automatically advance

Is it possible to set up tabbed content so that it moves through each tab/content after a predetermined time, say 5 seconds?
bob meetin  11 years ago   viewed: 10069    

3 Answers

does still work for the latest version?

nick b   11 years ago
No. It is not supported anymore. That feature has been moved to Menucool jQuery Tabs.
Milo   11 years ago
[admin] Please ignore the answer below as the functionality has been moved to Menucool jQuery Tabs.
Try adding this to to the end of your page, just before the </body> closing tag (suppose you have 5 tabs for content DIVs with id="view1", "view2", ... "view5") :
<script> var idx = 1; function moveToNextTab(interval){ setTimeout(function(){idx++; if(idx>5) idx=1;"view"+idx, true); moveToNextTab(interval);}, interval); } moveToNextTab(5000); </script>
  11 years ago


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