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How to include multiple responsive image sliders in the same page

How can I include multiple Ninja Image Sliders in the same page?
Edvwardville  10 years ago   viewed: 16135    

1 Answer

You should have different ninja slider IDs for each slider. Say you have given them the id ninja-slider and ninja-slider2. Then open the ninja-slider.js with Notepad, and edit it as below:

var nsOptions = {sliderId: "ninja-slider", ...};
var nsOptions2 = {sliderId: "ninja-slider2",...};
var nslider = new NinjaSlider(nsOptions);
var nslider2 = new NinjaSlider(nsOptions2);

// (the following should be remain untouched)
/* Ninja Slider ....

In this approach you have two Ninja Sliders in the same page.

Notice you also need to style them differently with the css selector #ninja-slider and #ninja-slider2.
Milo   10 years ago


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