Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

tooltip disables onmouseout

I have the following code:

var item = "<img class='thumb' ...
         + " onmouseout=mouseMovedFromItem(" + eventId + ")" 
         + " onmouseover=createTooltip(this," + eventId + ")" 
        + " onClick=fly(" + eventId + ")" 
        + ">";

Problem is, after I added createTooltip, onmouseout stopped working. How can this be fixed?
Eva  11 years ago   viewed: 4184    

1 Answer

The tooltip will override the onmouseout event of the item. You should avoid binding onmouseout event to the element that has the onmouseover=", '...')" event.

You can try this:
var item = "<span onmouseout=mouseMovedFromItem(" + eventId + ")><img class='thumb' ...
         + " onmouseover=createTooltip(this," + eventId + ")" 
        + " onClick=fly(" + eventId + ")" 
        + " /></span>";
milo   11 years ago


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