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Tabbed URL in Browser Address Bar


Nice stuff!

Can you please tell me if I can send a URL to someone that they can click and open the tab for that URL? Which version do I use?

Roland Gilmer  11 years ago   viewed: 13516    

5 Answers


This feature has been moved into the McTabs

Milo   11 years ago
You have to use McTabs for this feature. Please go to the page McTabs - jQuery Tabs the read the section: 
Other Ways to Select a Tab
milo90   11 years ago
I am not having any success setting a tab or making the bookmarks function in this version of tabcontent. Do I need to go to McTabs?
Pattie   10 years ago
Yes you need to go to McTabs - jQuery Tabs and use it for the bookmark and URL driven feature.
Milo   10 years ago

I love how you tackle different angles of a topic. It's enlightening!

  7 months ago


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