Javascript Tooltip / Posts /

cant pass value to php file

I'm trying to use the AJAX tooltip to pass a value to a php file, before echo'ing back into the tooltip. In the php file I have a get statement to get the value in my context, but its not working. Is this a common problem?
Drew  11 years ago   viewed: 3780    

2 Answers

I don't think it is a common problem. Maybe you haven't coded it properly. Would you give more details how you use it?
(Sorry I am not good at PHP, so you only need to list the javascript and html that you coded related it to the tooltip). 
Milo   11 years ago
In javascript I have: 
var myAjaxSettings = {
            context: { CODE: 5 },
            success: myCallback,
            responseType: "xml"

In HTML I have:

<button onclick='tooltip.ajax(this, &quot;course_info.php&quot;, myAjaxSettings)' style='width:320px;'>

and in the php page my ajax request goes to I have:

function getTooltipContent($id) {
return $id;

echo getTooltipContent( $_GET['CODE']);

Thanks so much for any help
Drew   11 years ago


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