Javascript Image Slider / Posts /

Is it possible to start the slider on a particular slide?


Hi, I wonder if it is possible to select a starting slide with this slider. For example say the presentation is Slide1->Slide2->Slide3->...SlideN. I want to initialise the slider so that when it is dispayed it is presnting the show from Slide3.

The scenario is like this. I have a page with many thumbnails. When a visitor clicks a thumbnail image, it will open another page containing a slider that starts sliding from this particular thumbnail.

Bill Aldridge  12 years ago   viewed: 23032    

5 Answers


Since version v2013.11.22, you can set the startSlide option as an index number(zero based) in the js-image-slider.js. You can even set startSlide as "shuffle" or "random". 

Milo   11 years ago
Bill, You have two ways to implement this.

You can implement it by server-side coding(such as PHP, ASP.NET) which will select which images you are going to show and build the slider's markup from server side before the page is rendered out.

If your page cannot build the markup from the server side, you can use javascript to build the slider markup after page load, and then call:
See Slider Built on the Fly for the sample code.
Milo   12 years ago
Yes you are right. I want selecting an image will navigate to another page which will have a slider that starts sliding from the selected image. The current service I am building for is a 'Static Site' so unfortunately a servier side script is not possible. I will take the second approach as you suggested. Thanks for your help!
Bill   12 years ago
This solution might be also good. It uses the built-in function:
imageSlider.display(slideIndex, true, true);
Read this post for details:
milo   11 years ago
I'm taking a slightly different approach.

Not being a javascript programmer, I've got a slideshow with eight photos. I use the show throughout the site and want it to start on different slides so viewers don't have the same experience on every page--starting with slide 1, then 2, then 3, and so on.

I created an include like this:

<div id="slider">
      <!--#include virtual="/images/slideshow/slideshow-01.shtml"-->

The file "slideshow-01.shtml" contains the <a href> references to all of the photos in my slideshow. I have five versions of the "slideshow-xx.shtml" file. Each one has the eight slideshows photos in a different order. I sprinkle the five slideshows throughout the site so each page feels like it's starting off on a different slide.

I know this is a very low-tech solution, but for a non-programmer, it's worked for me.

And thanks to the developers for this awesome slider. It's really nice!

Steven   11 years ago


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